

We believe that professionals can feel successful at work and at home, and we help workplaces become more effective, healthier, and happier.


Coaching supports professionals at critical points in their careers. Whether you're a career changer, working towards your next promotion, an entrepreneur building your business, or juggling work with family, coaching can provide clarity, new perspectives, and lead to a more satisfying work life.

Sasha’s coaching service was motivating, inspiring, encouraging, and validating. As I neared the end of my second pregnancy and spent most of my days with my toddler (and part-time administrative work at a university), it was crucial - for me - to know that Sasha was there to keep pushing me forward to my goal of switching careers and attending acupuncture school. Her ability to keep my dream a reality was inevitably what allowed me to pursue acupuncture school. A year later, when my second child turned one, I started acupuncture school and was very satisfied to learn that this is exactly the right second career for me.
— Amy Joyce, Career changer

Programs and workshops bring professionals together in a collaborative setting to make mindset shifts, build skills, and benefit from peer-to-peer dialogue. Our flagship program supports working moms, and we offer diverse workshops to amplify the impact of leaders and teams, and to create a vibrant work culture.

Sasha’s group coaching program, Career and Work-Life Reset, is based on the idea of self-authorship, which is how adults grow and develop. The program allowed our group to explore how we can remain connected to our authentic selves, and taught us how we can prioritize what matters most to us. This experience helped me see the connections between my values, actions, and habits. I started seeing more clearly the choices I can make daily, and the difference these choices create in my life. At the end of the program, I found myself feeling much greater ease in setting the agenda for my personal and professional life. I now feel empowered throughout the ebbs and flows of my life, feel more self-acceptance, and am able to maintain the habits that make an impact in my life.
— Ipek R., Architectural Design & Research

Organizations have a unique opportunity to develop staff, strengthen teams, and retain talent. Whether you’re a seasoned leader, increasing team collaboration, or supporting managers planning for parental leave, coaching can help generate new skills, envision fresh possibilities and position employees to thrive.

Sasha has supported me and my senior leaders on a variety of topics from helping to structure our management team, hiring, developing managerial talent, and even dealing with conflict and difficult situations. This has been one of the best investments we’ve made as a business. The coaching has been instrumental in helping bring clarity, break through barriers we’ve struggled with, and as a result, helped to elevate the business. I highly recommend Sasha!
— Joe Zagame, Executive Director